The Most Used CSS Selector!

1. Universal Selector In CSS

It selects all the elements on the pages. Universal selector starts with * (it means Selects all elements).


  * {
        background-color: #000000;
        color: #fff;
        font-size: 20px;

It will make the background color black, the text color will be White with a font size of 20 pixels.

2. The individual selector in CSS

The individual selector in CSS selects the HTML element by name. like select all

elements or select all

  • elements.
  • Example:

    p {
            background-color: #fff;
            color: #000000;
            padding: 8px;
            font-size: 20px;

    It will make all the p Tag’s background white, the text color will be black, and the font size of 30 pixels with all-side padding of 8 pixels.

    3. ID selector in CSS The id selector styles the element with the specified id. It always starts with #IDNAME.


    #my_id {
            background-color: #ffffff;      }

    It will make all the background white where id=”my_id”.

    4. Class Selector in CSS The Class selector styles the element with the specified class name. It always starts with .CLASSNAME.


           background-color: #fff;

    It will make all the background white where class=”my_class”.

    5. and selector (chained) in CSS It is used to select the specified element with the specified multiple class.

    Example: {
            background-color: #000;

    Select and style every

  • (List Item) element with the class " bg-black " and “text-white” .
  • 6. The combined selector in CSS when we want to style several elements with the same style, separating each element's name with a comma is known as a combined selector. Example:

          li {
            background-color: #04ff6c;

    It will make all the background green of all and

  • elements of Html.
  • 7. Inside an element Selector in CSS The inside an element selector is used to select elements inside elements. Example:

    div ul li {
            background-color: #ee17ad;

    Select and style every

  • element, that is inside
      elements, that is also inside
  • 8. Direct child Selector in CSS The direct child Selector is used to select elements with a specific parent.

          div > li {
            background-color: #c300ff;

    The given code snippet will Select and style every

  • element where the parent is a
  • 9.+ Selector in CSS The + selector selects an element directly after another specific HTML element.

      .sibling + p {
            background-color: #14eedc;

    Select and style the first

    element associated with the class sibling.

    10. sibling ~ Selector in CSS The ~ selector is used to select all element that is directly after another specific HTML element.

      .sibling ~ p {
            background-color: #14eedc;

    Select and style the all the

    element after match the class sibling.